My core value is courage, the courage to step into whatever awaits and meet it head on. I have had the privilege of seeing how courage can transform one in the face of the greatest fear.

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I had intellectualised my core values for a while, I think to fit a corporate narrative (🙈) OR to at least justify all the justifications I was giving myself for staying when my heart, head, body, soul was pushing me onward. 18 months since leaving however, and since my actual values have bubbled to the surface after many tests, they weren't too dissimilar, they were just being applied differently. I value progress more than I realised. I value kindness, humility, love and supporting others. I want to hug the world... I don't know what value that is, probably more of an essence, but somehow it certainly drives me forward and I'm loving being able to apply that energy in more meaningful ways these days. Making decisions from here has become so much easier. Thanks for your post! Congrats on your courage too :)

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This is a great article and my core value is also freedom!

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